About Part-time Jobs

Some of you may want to start a part-time job when you have become a little more accustomed to life in Japan and are able to carry on everyday conversation in Japanese.
For Kudan Institute students who are on long-term visas and are interested in finding a part-time job, we are able to provide support by introducing part-time jobs and conducting resume reviews.
Although we are not able to refer every student to a part-time job, we do have partnerships with several companies and restaurants, and we do our best to introduce companies and restaurants that are a good fit based on the student’s wishes and personality.
We support not only students who hold student visas, but also students living in Japan on working holiday and those who hold other long-term visas as well.
Through part-time jobs, students can improve their Japanese language skills and grow through a variety of experiences. Please feel free to consult with us about your individual needs.

Further education
Further education
Further education

【How We Can Support You】

  1. Assist you in submitting an application for permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted
  2. Resume reviews
  3. Introduction of useful websites to look for part-time jobs
  4. Introduction of job postings that come to the school, etc.

For companies that want to send the Kudan Institute information about part-time jobs and employment opportunities for international students

For those who want to know about job hunting support

※What is “Permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted”?
As explained by the Immigration Bureau of Japan, “Permission to engage in an activity other than those permitted by the status of residence previously granted is a permission needed to perform paid activities or activities to operate a business that generates income not currently included in a foreign national’s status of residence.” This permission allows international students to engage in activities, such as part-time jobs, other than that allowed by the status of residence of “Student” (which allows them to study Japanese). With this permission, you can work part-time up to 28 hours a week.

Interviews with our students who have graduated

Interview with Kudan graduate!  Geoffrey(France)

Interview with Kudan graduate! Geoffrey(France)

To see all

Part-time Job Support Q&A

What do I need to do to get a part-time job in Japan?
You will need the following four items. The Kudan Institute can assist you with preparing these items.
  • Permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted
  • A resume
  • A bank account in Japan
  • A mobile phone number in Japan
My Japanese is at a very low level. Can I still get a part-time job?
Yes, but there are very few part-time jobs available for those with highly limited Japanese skills. The more advanced your Japanese skills are, the easier it will be to find a part-time job, so we encourage you to develop sufficient Japanese skills before starting a part-time job.
I came to Japan on a short-term (tourist) visa. Can I get a part-time job?
No, you cannot.
I am on a student visa. Can I take a break from school and work part-time?
No, you cannot. The student visa is for studying, so school takes priority over part-time work.
Can I get part-time job support without taking classes?
No, we only provide part-time job support to current students of the Kudan Institute.

From our Staff

Although we are not able to refer every student to a part-time job, we do have partnerships with several companies and restaurants, and we do our best to introduce companies and restaurants that are a good fit based on the student’s wishes and personality.
We make efforts to check in with students after they’ve started their part-time jobs, but if you encounter any problems after starting work, please consult with us right away.
However, please keep in mind that the most important thing for international students is to study Japanese. We monitor for any academic issues that may arise as a result of working part-time, so please do your best to balance your Japanese studies with your part-time job.