乙女ロード Otome Road
Category: Diary, Information, Japanese
If you love anime, you might already know where “Otome Road” is in Tokyo.
Many people think that people who love Anime, also known as “Otaku”, often go to Akihabara.
However, there are also many shops for anime found in Ikebukuro Station’s east area.
These shops are located in a street called “Otome road” facing Sunshine 60.
アニメイトサンシャイン、まんだらけ、K-BOOKS、らしんばん など、たくさんのアニメショップやコスプレの洋服が売っているお店、マンガのお店、同人誌が売っているお店があります。
There are many shops that sell cosplay, manga and Dojinshi such as Animate, Mandarake, K-BOOKS, and Lashinbang.
These shops are mostly for women, so many female customers visit these shops. Therefore, the street name is called “Otome road”.
There is also a café called “Shitsuji café” which is also known as a butler café and not a maid café. Otome road seems like such an interesting place, so if you’re interested, you can try visiting this place.
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2016年5月20日 金曜日 4:42 PM Category: Diary, Information, Japanese.