九段日本語学院での2週間、そして自分だけのプロジェクト Two weeks at Kudan Institute of Japanese Language & Culuture and a project of my own
Category: Information
短期留学生にインタビュー(ユアンさん フランス)
Interview with a short-term student (ユアンさん, France)
3週間の日本滞在 3 weeks stay in Japan
- 2週間、九段日本語学院総合日本語コースで学習+ホームステイ
2 weeks, study at Kudan Japanese Language Institute Intensive Course + Homestay - 1週間、最終目的地は白川郷、長野善光寺で宿坊(JRパスを利用)
One week, the final destination is Shirakawa-go and ” Shukubo”at Nagano Zenko-ji (using JR pass)
- 長野善光寺:Zenko-ji
- 長野はそばが有名であることをもちろん知っているが、精進料理を食べたい
- Of course I know that in Nagano soba is very famous, but I want to eat “Sho-jin”cuisine
- 白川郷:Shirakawa-go
- アニメ「ひぐらしのなく頃に」を見て
- Because of watching “Higurashi When They Cry”
フランスおいて「ひぐらし…」はナルトレベルの人気ではないが、「classic」のような感じ - In France, “Higurashi …” is not popular at the “Naruto” level, but it feels like “classic”

ユアンさん一日のスケジュール Daily schedule
ホームステイの家で自習 Self-study at homestay home
1.毎日一話アニメ One episode animation every day
Recently I like watching “your lie in April”.Many are animations depicting everyday life (seeking healing)
“Everyday life animations” vocabulary is easy . “Eva” and others have many many difficult words! !
2.毎日一曲アニソン One animation song every day
最近では「血界戦線」のED:シュガーソングとビターステップ by Union Square Garden
I went to their concert held in Toyosu during this study abroad!
Practice of repetition is important in language learning
3.毎日一漢字 One Kanji every day
Previously, I studied many kanji at a high speed, but now I am studying one letter deeply because I couldn’t remember much.
Because my profession is a programmer, I connect similar kanji on my computer to make a diagram.
It becomes a beautiful picture and a kanji map.
11:00 神保町プロジェクト Jimbocho Project
Curry eating tour
一番好きなカレーは「キッチン南海 新保町店のカレー」
My favorite curry is “Kitchen Nankai @ Shinbocho Curry”
カレーの魅力 Charm of Curry
Interesting with many variations (I like Japanese style the most)
I want to do curry tours all over Japan in the future (there are many places I’ve never been to in Japan)
キッチン南海 新保町店のカレー
13:30~17:00 九段で日本語の勉強 Study Japanese at Kudan
How about the class at Kudan Japanese Language Institute?
Interesting. I usually study on a computer, so it is fun and the first time to write kanji and sentences with my own hands.
17:00~ クラスの後 After class
I usually return to my homestay soon.
The homestay house is in Ikebukuro, but I sometimes take a walk in Ikebukuro.
ホームステイの魅力 How about homestay
I’ve been to Japan before and ate a lot of Japanese foods.
But before I didn’t know what real Japanese breakfast was like, I didn’t even know the real daily life.
This time, I used a homestay and actually experienced it myself. I was able to participate in the neighborhood party mochi-tsuki and it was fun.
帰国後 After returning to France
I keep studying on my own and I have a job, so I don’t think 2020 will come anymore.
But I want to come in 2021 (I don’t know yet).
More from my site
- Currently accepting Student Visa applications for July 2025.
- Student visa| Kudan Japanese Institute Tokyo
- 即日起接受2025年07月留學簽證申請。
- 留學簽證手續| 日本語學校、到東京留學的話、九段日本語學院就對了
2020年3月17日 火曜日 11:15 AM Category: Information.