Interview with Kudan graduate. Abhineet(India)

Category: After graduation, Contribution, Further Study



進学までの日本語経歴 Japanese study history
自主学習→九段日本語学院 6か月→ 専門学校(東京アニメ・声優専門学校)
Self study → Kudan Japanese Institute(6months study) → Tokyo School of Anime and Voice actor.
自己紹介 Self-introduction
アビニート ムラリーダランと申します。インドから参りました。専門学校に入るために、九段日本語学院で6カ月日本語を勉強しました。
My name is Abhineet Muraleedharan and I’m from India. I studied Japanese in Kudan Institute in order to get into a vocational college in Japan.
私の夢 My dream
My dream is to become a world renowned voice actor and to break the world record for the most number of character voices done by an individual.
九段の勉強は? About Study in Kudan Japanese Institute?
また、九段ではいろいろなアクティビティもやっているので、勉強ばかりの感じもしないと思います。At first, I didn’t feel Japanese grammar was that difficult, however, I came to realize that there are many minute grammatical structures and usages that have unexpectedly different meanings and can be quite confusing at times. The teachers at Kudan did a good job at explaining those usages in an easy manner to understand.
Before coming to Kudan, I couldn’t write any Kanji except for a few really simple and basic ones. However, thanks to the teachers I was able to learn to write Kanji at such a level that even surprised myself!
Also, there are activites at Kudan nearly every week so it doesn’t actually feel like all work and no play.
専門学校でどんな勉強している? What do you study in your Vocational school?
私は東京アニメ・声優専門学校で声優の勉強をしています。授業はとても楽しいです!声の出し方だけじゃなくて、体全体の運動も授業の一部としてやっています。芸能界のいろいろな有名な人が学校に来て、授業をやってくれるからすごいと思います!Currently, I’m studying voice acting at Tokyo School of Anime. The classes are super fun. I thought we would just be training our voices but we also work out our whole bodies as well. The fact that many celebrities also take classes with us is also amazing.
日本留学を考えているみなさんへ For everyone thinking to study abroad in Japan.
Japan is, as expected, different from my country in terms of language. However, it is also completely different in terms of culture and lifestyle as well. Hence it is important to be aware of many rules and regulations, many of which might not be obvious. But don’t worry! The Kudan staff will explain everything to you clearly. I myself was confused at first about the various rules but now I’ve gotten so used to it that I feel that I’ve been living here for years.
To all the people who are looking to get into a Japanese university or vocational college, don’t worry too much! The staff will help you a lot with the formalities and entrance exams preparations.
So have fun learning Japanese at Kudan!
Currently accepting Student Visa applications for July 2025.

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2018年5月22日 火曜日 3:30 PM Category: After graduation, Contribution, Further Study.