Samurai Experience Conversation Course students only


開催日: 10/10(木)

Conversation Course students only
If more than 6 people join this activity, the fee will become 2500 yen/ per person.
1階オフィスで払ってください。Please pay at the office.

<Address>東京都豊島区巣鴨2-11-5 巣鴨第一ビル3階
<持ち物Things to bring>: 
飲み物、タオル、カメラなど Drink, a towel, camera, etc.
<内容Contents>: 体験時間 60分 experience for 60 min
1. 挨拶 2.侍衣装に着替え 3.講師によるデモンストレーション 4.礼 5.刀の扱い方(抜刀・納刀)6.構えと斬り方 7.殺陣振り付け 8.殺陣・本番 9.記念撮影
You can change into a samurai costume and experience how to handle a Japanese sword and the
movements of a samurai.
*Some changes may be made depending on the number of participants and lecturers.
It is better to wear T-shirt because you will wear kimono/hakama over your cloth