Exchange with Japanese 日本語交流会


開催日: 07/14(金)

7/14(金)日本語交流会 Exchange with Japanese にほんご ONLY


Let’s talk in Japanese! And make a lot of Japanese friends. This language exchange is recommended for students who just want to talk in Japanese with Japanese people.

《スケジュール Schedule》日本人の人が移動します。
【17:30~18:00】 日本語での交流  You will talk in Japanese.
【18:00~18:30】 日本語での交流  You will talk in Japanese.
【18:30~19:00】 日本語での交流  You will talk in Japanese.


There will be Japanese University students and employed people.

※14日(金)に申し込みをした学生は、20日(木)の交流会には申し込みできません。できるだけ多くの学生に交流会に参加してもらいたいので、どちらかの日程を選んで申し込んでください。Those who signed up for “Exchange with Japanese ” on July 14, you cannot sign up for “Exchange with Japanese” on July 20. You can only sign up for ONE. Please choose either of the date. Because it is limited number of people and we want to give an opportunities for each students.