kudan Japanese Institute Blog

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‘Manga course’ カテゴリーのアーカイブ

A manga course where you can learn Japanese and professional manga techniques at the same time!

2024年11月15日 金曜日
A manga course where you can learn Japanese and professional manga techniques at the same time!

日本語とプロのマンガ技術を同時に学べる外国人のためのマンガコース!九段日本語学院 × 日本マンガ塾コラボコース  A manga course where you can learn Japanese and profe […]

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カテゴリー: Manga course |

Manga Course, Cooking Course, and July enrollment has started.

2023年4月10日 月曜日
Manga Course, Cooking Course, and July enrollment has started.

Manga Course, Cooking Course, and July enrollment has started. The Manga Course and Cooking Course, popular cu […]

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カテゴリー: Information, Manga course |

Manga Course Now accepting applications for April 2023!

2022年12月23日 金曜日
Manga Course Now accepting applications for April 2023!

Manga Course Now accepting applications for April 2023! Due to the coronavirus and Japanese government restric […]

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カテゴリー: Creative, Information, Manga course |


2020年4月23日 木曜日

こんにちは。九段の山中です。 おうち時間、みんなはどのように過ごしていますか。 ニュースは情報収集には必要だけど、コロナウィルスのニュースばかり見ると元気がなくなってしまいますね。   今は、色々なアーティスト […]

Continue to read おうち時間におすすめ。無料配信アニメ情報!

カテゴリー: Diary, Information, Japanese Culture, Manga course |

My final week of the Manga course and my overall thoughts

2018年3月20日 火曜日
My final week of the Manga course and my overall thoughts

Alas, the final week of the Manga course arrived. The imminence of the culmination of this whole manga-learnin […]

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カテゴリー: Contribution, Information, Manga course |

My 8th week at Kudan and Mangajuku

2018年3月16日 金曜日
My 8th week at Kudan and Mangajuku

The 8th week was the 2nd to the last week of the manga course, so for the last 2 posts, I’d like to focu […]

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カテゴリー: Contribution, Creative, Manga course |

My 7th week at Kudan and Mangajuku

2018年3月9日 金曜日
My 7th week at Kudan and Mangajuku

I just realized that I’m more than half-way done with my conversation course, and only 2 weeks away from […]

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カテゴリー: Contribution, Creative, Manga course |

My 6th week at Kudan and Mangajuku

2018年2月23日 金曜日
My 6th week at Kudan and Mangajuku

Another fun week had come and gone! In our conversation lessons we tackled the difficult task of giving direct […]

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カテゴリー: Contribution, Diary, Manga course |

My 4th and 5th weeks at Kudan and Mangajuku

2018年2月15日 木曜日
My 4th and 5th weeks at Kudan and Mangajuku

The 4th and 5th weeks were so eventful and challenging! In our conversation class we learned more advanced exp […]

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カテゴリー: Contribution, Diary, Manga course |

My 3rd week at Kudan and Mangajuku

2018年2月6日 火曜日
My 3rd week at Kudan and Mangajuku

The 3rd week came with a big surprise for most of us. It snowed in Tokyo! It’s a pretty rare occurrence […]

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カテゴリー: Contribution, Information, Manga course |